They usually say the proof is in the pudding. First of all Dr. Harry
Waisman studied the effects of aspartame on primates. Seven infant
monkeys were fed the chemical in milk. One died after 300 days, 5 others
had Grand Mal seizures. Searle deleted these findings when they
submitted his study to the FDA. The best way to understand NutraSweet is
to think of it as a minute dose of nerve gas that eradicates brain and
nerve function.
Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology surveyed 80 people
who suffered brain seizures after eating or drinking products with
Aspartame. Said the Community Nutrition Institute: "These 80 cases
meets the FDA's own definition of an imminent hazard to the public
health, which requires the FDA to expeditiously remove a product from the
There are so many seizures from NutraSweet that a Worldwide Pilot Hotline
has been set up in Dallas (214 352-4268) just to take the calls of pilots
who have complaints about aspartame and to send a warning. Over 600 have
already called the hotline, many of them because of grand mal seizures in
the cockpits of commercial airliners - with a plane full of passengers.
Case histories flood in and MISSION POSSIBLE continues to fly packets
around the world to air traffic control to warn pilots and keep the
planes in the sky. The U. S. Air Force warned all pilots off this
neurotoxin in their journal FLYING SAFETY, May 1992 which said: "Some
people have suffered aspartame related disorders with doses as small as
that carried in a single stick of chewing gum. This coul mean a pilot
who drinks diet sodas is moe susceptible to flicker vertigo or to flicker
induced epileptic activity. It also means that all pilots are potential
victims of sudden memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight and
gradual loss of vision."
Oliver Wendell Homes aptly remarked in a lecture to the medical class of
Harvard University: "The bedside is always the true center of medical
It's hard to watch people having seizures while consuming aspartame and
say its not happening. It triggered epileptic seizures in someone in my
own family. They were constant until we warned her it was triggered by
NutraSweet. She gave it up and now has markedly improved.
The tests that say NutraSweet is safe are funded by the NutraSweet company!
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty
On 11 Jul 1995, Didier A. Depireux wrote:
>> I think we are supposed to accept that the nasty side-effects of Aspartame
> have been shown beyond reasonable doubt. Witness the last two papers
> I could find that contain the words 'Aspartame' and 'Seizures' in a database:
>> AUTHOR(s): Camfield, P.R. Camfield, C.S. Dooley, J.M.
> TITLE(s): Aspartame exacerbates EEG spike-wave discharge in children
> with generalized absence epilepsy: A double-blind
> controlled study.
> In: Neurology. MAY 01 1992 v 42 n 5 p 1000
>> AUTHOR(s): Shaywitz, B. A. Anderson, G. M. Novotny, E. J.
> TITLE(s): Aspartame Has No Effect of Seizures or Epileptiform
> Discharges in Epileptic Children.
> In: Annals of neurology. JAN 01 1994 v 35 n 1 p 98
>> The difference is that the first paper is truthful, the second is part of a
> massive government cover-up. Or something;-)
> (More seriously, these papers might be addressing the same question using
> different methodologies. I didn't look at them. But then again:
>> AUTHOR(s): Lajtha, Abel Reilly, Margaret A. Dunlop, David S.
> TITLE(s): Aspartame consumption: Lack of effects on neural function.
> In: The journal of nutritional biochemistry.
> JUN 01 1994 v 5 n 6 p 266 )