I am interested in a neuronal inclusion, which could be easily
seen under ligh microscope with H&E on regular tissue section, and
believe they contain amyloid peptid(A4 protein). However I have not
been able to stain them with antibodies against A4(Dako,BM,Sigama).
What can be stained are amyloid plques. Some of round dots look like
the inclusions. When I de-stain them and re-stain them with H&E, they
are irrigular shaped structure(plaque?). In other words I can not
prove that these inclusion contain A4 by staining them with antibody
first, destain, and then stain with H&E.
Any way to make these membrane-bound structure to be more
sensitive to the antibody(I have tried to incubate the tissue slides
in 90% Formic acid up to 72 hrs)