Heating brain slice chambers - Suggestions??

Paul E.M. Phillips P.Phillips at lhmc.ac.uk
Tue Jul 11 11:15:41 EST 1995

We have a problem with large fluctuations in room temperature.
This means that we have to constantly monitor the temperature
of our brain slice chambers.

We currently maintain the temperature in our chamber by heating
an outer bath which warms the superfusant before it enters the
chamber. The outer bath is heated by warm water, in a heat-exchange
coil, from a water bath/circulator.

Does anyone have any alternative suggestions?

We have so far considered either heating the whole chamber -
possibly by a dry block heater; or by the use of a Peltier
pump (with feedback from a thermocouple). The latter seems
feasible, but we do not know whether this is commercially
available or whether we would need to get one made up.

We would apprecciate any advice.

Paul Phillips

Neurotransmission Laboratory (Anaesthetics Unit)
London Hospital Medical College

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