My name is Claudia, I am a teaching assistant at the Laboratory of
Pharmacology of the Pharmacy Faculty of the University of Coimbra
(Portugal). I graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 1991 (6 years
course), and then I have obtained my master´s degree (2 years) in cellular
biology-pharmacology last march, for which I presented a thesis on the
effects ov Valerian officinalis and Tilia europeae extracts on GABA-A
receptor of rat brain . Part of the master´s thesis work was accepted for
publication in the german journal Arzneimittel Forchung Drug Research and
I am waiting for the answer of Journal of etnopharmacology for another
part of my work. I have been teaching (practical lessons) Human
Anatomo-Phisiology and Histology at the Faculty of pharmacy since 1992.
I am beginning my work for PhD on the mechanism of action of anxiolytic
compounds of natural origin. I am starting autorradiographic studies
(5-HT3 and GABA-A receptors).
I would also like to perform some studies using the microdialysis
technique but... we don´t posess the equipment nor the know how.
Does anyone know a good laboratory to execute this part of my work, which
is willing to receive a PhD student?
Any information would be very helpfull.
Thank you
Claudia Cavadas
FAX 00 351 39 27126
Phne 00 351 39 20510