rmallott <rmallott at percep.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>>> It may not be relevant but when the radio is tuned to FM
> changes in my position in relation to the radio produce
> distinct changes in the signal. This may be a brain or whole
> body effect which can occur at a distance of say 10 feet.
The effect on the FM/Radio signal is not caused by your brain's
interference but rather your body as a whole. You have a different
dielectric value than the surrounding air and thus radio waves
are affected by your body as they bounce around the world toward
your radio antenna, especially the closer you are to the antenna
and the more radio waves are focused in a particular path. You
will notice that your radio behaves strangely as you pass through
clouds in an airplane, for the same reason (clouds with their
high humidity have a different dielectric property than the arid
Another effect you have on electronic devices is due to the fact
that you are no more than a bag of salt water. This gives you
the capability of connducting electrical currents. And, as you
know, if a conductor is passed through a magnetic field, it
generates currents. So if you move around through the Earth's
magnetic field, as we all do, unless you sit and type behind
a computer all day (Umph!), you will generate an electrical
signal. Many animals, including sharks, are able to detect this
disturbance and their ability to do so is called electrolocation.
rbourgeois at dawsoncollege.qc.ca