In article <vkl08.1.2FF93AFA at>
vkl08 at (VKL08) writes:
>>Hi everybody out there ,
>>I4m looking for an antibody directed against cholinergic muscarinic receptors.
>It does not need to be specific for the m1 -m5 subtypes.
>Does anyone know a distributor ( incl. adress or fax ) for these ?
>There is a company in Paris, France, Chemunex which sell a monoclonal
>muscarinic antibody, does anyone have their adress ?
>>Thanks in advance for any hints
>>H. Habbicht
You might try Dr. Gary Luthin (luthing at
who has some he developed. He also worked with Barry Wolfe
but has a deifferent set of antibodies.
hope this helps.
Tim Shickley (shickley at