Postdocs in Brain NMR at Georgetown U.

James J. Pekar jjp at helix
Tue Jul 11 13:41:50 EST 1995

Postdoctoral Opportunities in Brain NMR at Georgetown University

   The nuclear magnetic resonance laboratory of the Georgetown 
University Institute for Cognitive and Computational Sciences
is accepting applications for postdoctoral fellowships in the
area of application of nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and
spectroscopy to outstanding questions in the neurosciences.

   Initial appointments will be for two years, and feature
competitive salary and benefits.

The Laboratory:
   The NMR laboratory will feature a state-of-the-art 
horizontal-bore 7 Tesla rodent scanner (Bruker) scheduled
for delivery in December of this year; in addition,
Georgetown University Hospital has two 1.5 Tesla clinical
scanners (Siemens).  

The Institute:
   The Georgetown University Institute for Cognitive and 
Computational Sciences, housed in a brand-new research
building, offers opportunities for collaboration with
top-ranking faculty members in the neurosciences.
Georgetown University, founded in 1789, is located
overlooking the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.

To Apply:
   Please send C.V., including names of three references,
and a brief statement of research interests, to:

James J. Pekar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Neurology, Division of Basic Neurosciences
Georgetown University
3900 Reservoir Road
Washington, DC 20007

e-mail:  <jp2d at nih.gov>

Georgetown University is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.


James J. Pekar     <jp2d at nih.gov>     Bethesda, Maryland USA

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