
suzanne smith suzannes at vir.com
Tue Jul 11 08:06:33 EST 1995

> ott at balu.kfunigraz.ac.at (ott) wrote:

> >bionet.neuroscience.invertebrate
> >As it seems, however, there is nobody among us who is in fact able to
> >set up the newsgroup. I'm quite new to newsgroups in general, so I
> >don't know what to do in case there is a demand for a new group. (A
> >name, but no idea how to do it: should this be a little reminiscent of
> >the EU again?  :)    )
> >So anybody out there who's got a piece of advice?

I recently saw a detailed description of process involved, and 
since I didn't need it, just as quickly let go of it.  (If we
had to hold on to all the interesting stuff on the net ...!!!)

So I believe the information should be readily available on the 
internet.  I would start by doing a few internet searches on 
"usenet", "news", etc.  In the meantime I'll see if I can find
the information.  If all else fails, scan the computer science
newsgroups (there are a ton of them) until you find someone

Best wishes.

rbourgeois at dawsoncollege.qc.ca


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