Cross Correlation.

Charles Henri Malbert malbert at st-gilles.rennes.inra.fr
Tue Jul 11 10:03:17 EST 1995

I am planning to perform a cross correlation between flow signal (from the
duodenal lumen) and single fiber afferent from the vagus. My main purpose
in doing so is to find the presence or the absence of a delay between the
onset of the flow and the increased frequency of discharge.
I will be interested in the best way to graphically represent this type of
analysis (mainly the reference of a paper). I will be also happy for any
other suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

Dr C.H Malbert
Unite de controle de l'ingestion et des flux digestifs
Station de Recherches Porcines, 35590 Saint gilles, France
Tel: (33) 99 28 50 71
Fax: (33) 99 28 50 80.

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