Brain Radio Emission

rmallott rmallott at percep.demon.co.uk
Tue Jul 11 11:38:27 EST 1995

What I had in mind was not reception by me of a radio signal but
transmission of one by me to the radio so modifying the audio
signal that the radio produces - or am I in some way intercepting
the radio signal on its way to the radio? The effect is highly

In article <3ttiue$iin at oravannahka.Helsinki.FI>
           stenberg at cc.Helsinki.FI "Dag Stenberg" writes:

> rmallott (rmallott at percep.demon.co.uk) wrote:
> } It may not be relevant but when the radio is tuned to FM
> } changes in my position in relation to the radio produce
> } distinct changes in the signal. This may be a brain or whole
> } body effect which can occur at a distance of say 10 feet.
> It so happens that your radio decodes the FM signal to normal audio (20
> to 20,000 Hz). What is transmitted from the radio to your ears is thus
> not a radio signal, and your finding is not relevant to the problem of
> how far a radio signal could travel between brains. If your brain could
> receive the FM radio signal you would not need the radio at all, just
> turn your head into the right position.

Robin Allott     

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