Richard Nacamuli (headwave at wrote:
: On 8 Jul 1995, John Edstrom wrote:
: >
: > In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950706190415.21879A-100000 at>
: >Richard Nacamuli <headwave at> writes:
: >
: > > I am attempting to detect radio-frequency/microwave brain emission
: > >with a view toward proving that we are telepathic. Does anyone know of
: > >anything that has been published that might aid me in my pursuit?
: >
: >
: > Even if there is radio/microwave emissions from the brain, how does
: > that prove the brain is telepathic? My microwave oven emits microwave
: > radiation. Is it telepathic?
: It does not.
How do you know? You've made appropriate measurements and can
demonstrate the truth of this statement? For that matter, how do you
show people are telepathic? No one seems to have been able to do
that. I think you'd be better off demonstrating telepathy before
trying to elucidate its mechanism.
: However, if we are to be telepathic then there must
: almost certainly be brain radio emission as this would be the only
: medium known to modern science. It is still a long way from detecting
: neural radio emission to proving that information of an intellectual
: nature is being communicated between brains.
Why "only"? Any modulatible force can be medium to transfer