Betty Martini (fwd)

Adam S. Arthur asa3h at avery.med.Virginia.EDU
Mon Jul 10 22:43:41 EST 1995

Just an attempt to bring some real science into this, but WHAT
is the proposed mechanism of nutrasweet's putatively terrible
effects?  I mean is the research you allude to the safety
studies, because I've read those and to anyone with even a
rudimentary knowledge of medicine theres clearly no smoking gun

Or is this just anecdotal "my (fill-in-your-condition
here) got better when I stopped eating nutrasweet" sort of

Is it the fact that nutrasweet may offer a source of free
glutamate?  If so, what about BBB penetration issues?
Adam Arthur		    "Education is what is left when what
University of Virginia	     has been learned has been forgotten."
School of Medicine '98	    			   -B.F. Skinner

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