Brain Radio Emission

Dag Stenberg stenberg at cc.Helsinki.FI
Tue Jul 11 01:34:05 EST 1995

Richard Nacamuli (headwave at access5.digex.net) wrote:
} 	On the other hand, mental communication by means of biologically
} derived radio waves could be quite readily accounted for by means already
} well-known and understood. Molecules can emit and be excited by radio waves.

What would the range be? What wavelengths are you thinking about? I fing
it hard to believe that the range could be anything of practical value
(=at least to the next room...). Could you elaborate on your calculations?

} Yes, whales and dolphins do live in the sea but, they spend much time at
} the surface where neural radio communication could occur.

Dolphins use sound, which travels well in the water. Most (but not all) 
of this is in high frequencies inaudible to humans.

Dag Stenberg     MD PhD                    stenberg at cc.helsinki.fi
Institute of Biomedicine		   tel: int.+358-0-1918532
Department of Physiology                   fax: int.+358-0-1918681
P.O.Box 9       (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)   tlx: 1002125 finuh sf
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland   

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