Help Part II

ecl1usr29 at vega.selu.edu ecl1usr29 at vega.selu.edu
Sat Jul 8 12:17:33 EST 1995

    My name is Jason Stevens and I just recently wrote my first bulletin, which
is titled Help. If you have read that one then you know my story. I am really
interested in attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas in the fall of 1996.
Baylor has a neuroscience program for undergraduates that I would like to
enter. I figured that graduating undergraduate school woth a B.S. in
neuroscience would be an asset upon entering medical school one day, where I
plan on specializing in neurology. But, I need some help. If anyone can help in
any way with my trying to get into Baylor, I would greatly appreciate it.

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