Animal model for ADHD

SRLindsay srlindsay at aol.com
Sun Jul 9 00:39:52 EST 1995

Jason Kennerly wrote:

>Can anyone think of a good animal modem for ADHD? A friend >of mine 
>notices that he can give a kittin 500ug to 1mg of >methylphenidate and it

>will calm down. I am not aware of reading anything ANYWHERE >about
>having paradoxical responces to stimulants...

>Has their been any research in this direction? That it, >attempting to 
>discern "calming" stimulants from stimulants that are more >prone to 
>agitate? Say compare amphetamine/ritalin to ummm >diethylpropion ???


Growing evidence suggests that a similar condition to ADHD  can be found
in dogs.  A few modest research efforts have been carried out using
hyperactive dogs as a model for ADHD (Corson et al., 1972; Bareggi et al.,
1979; Barcus et al. 1980).  Uncontrolled veterinary clinical reports
indicate a typical paradoxical effect in hyperactive dogs to
dextroamphetamine (said to be especially effective) and methylphenidate
(Voith, 1980).  A "stimulus reponse test" has been described (Campbell,
1973; Leuscher, 1993).  Stein et al. (1994) have discussed various
behavioral disorders in animals having a relevance to human psychiatry. 
In this regard, Rapoport et al. (1992) have described a condition in the
dog (acral lick dermatitus (compulsive, mutilatory licking)) that
parallels OCD in humans.  She has found that compulsive lickers respond to
clomipramine, suggesting that the disorder might provide a useful animal
model for future research.  Please keep me posted and reply if you come up
with any additional info relevant to this topic.

Barcus R, Schwebel AI, Corson SA (1980).  An animal model of the
hyperactive-child syndrome suitable for the study of the effects of food
additives.  Pav J Biol Sci, 15:183-187.

Bareggi SR, Becker RE, Ginsburg BE, Genovese RE, et al. (1979). 
Neurochemical investigation of an endogenous model of the "hyperkinetic
syndrome" in a hybrid dog.  Life Sci, 24:481-488.

Campbell WE (1973).  Behavioral modification of hyperkinetic dogs.  Mod
Vet Pract, 54:313-316.

Corson SA, Corson E O'L, Kirilcuk B, Kirilcuk J, Knopp W, Arnold RE
(1972).  Differential effects of amphetamines on clinically relevant dog
models of hyperkinesis and stereotypy:  relevance to Huntington's Chorea. 
In Barbeau A, Chase TN, Paulson GW (Eds) Advances in Neurology, Vol I  New
York:  Raven Press.

Luescher UA (1993).  Hyperkinesis in dogs:  Six case reports.  Can Vet J,

Rapoport JL, Ryland DH, Kriete M (1992).  Drug treatment of canine acral
lick:  an animal model of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  Arch Gen
Psychiat, 49:517-521.
Stein DJ, Dodman NH, Borchelt P, Hollander E (1994).  Behavioral disorders
in veterinary practice:  relevance to psychiatry.  Comp Psychiat,

Voith VL (1980),  Hyperactivity and hyperkinesis.  Mod Vet Pract,
Steve Lindsay
Canine Behavioral Services
Philadelphia, PA

"Marvelous as may be the power of my dog to understand my moods, deathless
as is his affection and fidelity, his mental state is as unsolved mystery
to me as it was to my remotest ancestor."  William James

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