: I second that motion, It was my understaning that this newsgroup was
: designed to cater to the concerns of real researchers. I expected
: statements to be backed by references to supporting literature. The
: notion that aspartame is the largest coverup in U.S. history, or is a
: cause of various neurological diseases are bold
: statements which, to be beleived, would require substantial supporting
: evidence. Betty does not provide this and thus does not in any way
: validate her stements. In my opinion this newsgroup is
: not the place for Betty and her fear mongering, non scientifically
: motivated tactics; nor is it the place discusions for debating issues
: such as evolution vs. creationalism which while being an interesting topic of
: discusion has nothing to do with research in the field of neuroscience.
Hi Todd.
I am not a "real" researcher, but I can assure you that the aspartame
issue has been studied by experienced neuroscientists. The "anecdotal"
evidence of the dangers from long-term use of aspartame has been
piling up for many years. I have received a large number of case
histories on the Net concerning serious illnesses triggered or
worsened by aspartame (only to have many or all of the symtpoms
disappear after it is removed from the diet). Of course, like many
substances, individual susceptibility varies considerably.
Virtual all independent studies and reviews of aspartame has shown
problems or serious concerns. Some of what you may see on MEDLINE
is written by researchers for NutraSweet (although they do not always
note their close ties to the industry). Just as you would probably not
automatically assume that studies and reviews done for the tobacco
industry are totally above-board (although many scientists did make this
assumption in the 1950s, you may find it beneficial to read NutraSweet
studies and reviews very critically.
I am somewhat familiar with the science of this subject and the studies.
I would be happy to help anyone who is really interested in finding out
more about the issue by discussing each specific point or by providing
whatever references you like.
Best regards,
- Mark
mgold at