Animal model for ADHD

Gary Fisk fisk at eyes.uab.edu
Sat Jul 8 16:30:22 EST 1995

In article <3tmmtp$3tf at cello.gina.calstate.edu>,
jkenner at cello.gina.calstate.edu (Jason Kennerly) wrote:

> Can anyone think of a good animal modem for ADHD? A friend of mine 
> Has their been any research in this direction? That it, attempting to 
> discern "calming" stimulants from stimulants that are more prone to 
> agitate? Say compare amphetamine/ritalin to ummm diethylpropion ???

Kalat's psychobiology text mentions some animal research on ADHD and

Kalat, J.W. (1988) _Biological Psychology_. 3rd ed., Wadsworth Publishing
Company, Belmont, CA.  p. 428-430.

Good luck.

Gary D. Fisk
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dept. of Psychology
Birmingham, AL 35294

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