I must thank Helen Cohen for her helpful response to a message I posted
> >We have heard of some people that have been taking CINARIZINE (trade
> >name STUGERON) and one or two seem to be having some side effects?
> >Particularly we are trying to find out if the drug has some
> >extrapyramidal effects? As far as we know the drug is a Ca2+ channel
> >blocker and used in the treatment of vertigo. We're keen to know: if
> >there are some side effects are they purley pharmacological or are
the effects due to a neurotoxic action?
In a pharmacological context it appear's not alot is know about
mechanisms of action etc..:
>Since it does not have FDA approval it is not available in the United
>States. It may be available in Canada. It is used in Europe for
>vertigo caused by vestibular disorders and for motion sickness.
>Presumably it has some inhibitory effect on some level of the
>vestibular system. Sorry, I don't know know what. I did speak to
>someone at the FDA, once, who deals with rare drugs and that person
>seemed to know all about the pharmacology. But since it is not
>approved here no one pays too much attention.
Is there anybody out there in the rest of the world, who could give me
some hints about pharmacology. Maybe the FDA read the net? I'm the
first to admit that in high doses you could see extrapyramidal effects
due to reduced transmitter release. But, what Ca2+ channels are
invovled; is the blocked diffuses, related to DA, GLU, 5-HT or what? In
Uruguay references are hard to come by...can anybody help!
With reference to science please repond to me on kojak at biocel.edu.uy, on
other matter's, particularly the Betty Martin debate "don't bother!"