neurophone, psychokinesis and telepathy

Juan Pablo Vielma jvielma at mailnet.rdc.cl
Sat Jul 8 00:37:28 EST 1995

Hi everybody! 
	I wonder if somebody could help me with this two 
	Does anybody know where I could get some info about 
Dr Patrick Flanagan's neurophone  ( I also have heard someone  
calling it an ultrasonic transducer ) ? and Does anyone know 
if there is any neuroscientific theory that attempts to explain 
psychokinesis and/or telepathy? 
Juan Pablo Vielma 
****** **********************************************  
Name : Juan Pablo Vielma (a.k.a. Yoker) 
Email:  jvielma at ibanez.uai.cl 
             jvielma at aix1.ucv.cl 
FidoNet: Juan Pablo Vielma, 4:881/5  
Snail Mail: Digenia 375, Jardin del Mar 
                    Vina del Mar 
                    CHILE ( South America ) 
Also sometimes on IRC as Yoker 

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