Animal model for ADHD

Jason Kennerly jkenner at cello.gina.calstate.edu
Sat Jul 8 14:39:37 EST 1995

Can anyone think of a good animal modem for ADHD? A friend of mine 
notices that he can give a kittin 500ug to 1mg of methylphenidate and it 
will calm down. I am not aware of reading anything ANYWHERE about animals 
having paradoxical responces to stimulants...

Has their been any research in this direction? That it, attempting to 
discern "calming" stimulants from stimulants that are more prone to 
agitate? Say compare amphetamine/ritalin to ummm diethylpropion ???

Im on shaky ground at best with this proposal, but do ya think there's 
anything there?

     ____   ______  ________ _____
    /    \ |      \|   /\   |     \   jkenner at cello.gina.calstate.edu
   /      \|   _   \   \/   |  _   \  
  /___/\   \___|>   >       |__|>   > BORN TO BE WIRED... 
 /         |       /   /\  |       /  All the sugar and twice the 
 \_________|______/|___\/__|______/   caffeine of regular netusers!

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