Source for a tiny thermistor or thermocouple??

Lance Corey lance at neuro.pharmacology.ubc.ca
Fri Jul 7 18:52:27 EST 1995

campbell at slugo.hmsc.orst.edu (Don Campbell) wrote:

>We want to monitor temperature of solution exiting a small tube.  Can anyone 
>point us toward a source for a small thermistor or thermocouple?  (I am 
>deliberately vague since I am not sure how small of a device we might be able 
>to get.)

>Don Campbell
>campbell at slugo.hmsc.orst.edu

Fenwal Electronics produce thermistors with a diameter of 0.013" to
0.016" - nominally 0.014".  The last address I have for them (it is
quite old) is : 63 Fountain St., Framingham, MA 01701
(617) 872-8841.  I know that they're still in business since a current
electronics catalog list their products.

	Lance Corey
	Dept. Pharmacology & Therapeutics
	University of British Columbia

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