On 5 Jul 1995 jcoleman at msvax.mssm.edu wrote:
> Does anyone but me wish this woman would put some references behind
some of
her claims....? According to you Betty, the cause of both ALzheimer's and
Parkison's disease has been found to be Nutrasweet.....or at least they make
it much worse. WHERE are the medical journal articles to prove this?
Antedotal evidence frommone or two people is hardly evidence or proof and
certainly is NOT science.> Quote one man or doctor with unknown credentials
is very dubious...
>> jen
>>I second that motion, It was my understaning that this newsgroup was
designed to cater to the concerns of real researchers. I expected
statements to be backed by references to supporting literature. The
notion that aspartame is the largest coverup in U.S. history, or is a
cause of various neurological diseases are bold
statements which, to be beleived, would require substantial supporting
evidence. Betty does not provide this and thus does not in any way
validate her stements. In my opinion this newsgroup is
not the place for Betty and her fear mongering, non scientifically
motivated tactics; nor is it the place discusions for debating issues
such as evolution vs. creationalism which while being an interesting topic of
discusion has nothing to do with research in the field of neuroscience.
- Todd D. Gould e-mail: tgould at falcon.lhup.edu -
- student, Lock Haven University tel : (717) 766-1913 -
- Lock Haven, PA 17745 -
- correspondence: 124 Brindle Road -
- Mechanicsburg, PA -
- 17055 -
"What is mind?"
"No matter."
"What is matter?"
"Never mind."
C.S. Sherrington