First use of HRP neuronal tracing?

J. A. Kiernan jkiernan at julian.uwo.ca
Thu Jul 6 11:06:34 EST 1995

In article <3ta3ds$mua at styx.uwa.edu.au> estepien at uniwa.uwa.edu.au (Elizabeth Stepien) writes:

>Could someone please let me know who was the first person to use HRP for 
>neuronal retrograde tracing . . . 

    PNS: Kristensson,K et al. (1970) Acta Neurpoath. 16:293-300 
                              (1971) Brain Res. 29:363-365
                              (1971) Brain Res. 32: 399-406
    CNS: Probably LaVail et al (1972) Science 176:1416-1417
                               (1973) Brain Res. 58:470-477

                                     John A. Kiernan
                                     Department of Anatomy
                                     Univ. of Western Ontario
                                     LONDON, Canada  N6A 5C1
                                     e-mail: kiernan at uwo.ca


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