In article <Pine.SGI.3.91.950704181823.26759A-100000 at chcmga>,
Mr R.B. Ostler <rbostler at chcmga> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 30 Jun 1995, Tremblay Guy wrote:
>>> Hello everybody
>>>> I am currently working on interaction between nucleic acids and lithium. Could
>> someone explain how the Lithium is said to fight against manic depression? I
>> know of one hypothesis stating that it stabilizes phospholipids present in
>> neuron membranes. Also, it is known that it increases the quantity of
>> inositol-phosphate (inhibition of inositol phosphatase???). How is this
>> achieved? I'd enjoy to know more about concurrent hypothesis. Thank you very
>> much and have a nice day! 8^)
>>>> Guy Tremblay. Universite de Montreal. Department of Biochemistry.
>>tremblgu at>>>Reply
>I have heard that the lithium ion with its large solvent cage interferes
> with the Na+ and K+ channels in neurotransmission,( although I dont know
>how true this is.) > >
It also inhibits the degradation of certain products of the IP3/Ca++
second messenger cascade, I believe primarily IP4.