Naomi Ruff (nlruff at wrote:
: I'm an anatomist trying to set up some basic physiology, so I'm looking
: for a manual or textbook with a little bit of theory and a lot of how to
: hook equipment up properly. I have found some books on single cell
: recordings, but what I want to do is record multi-unit evoked responses
: in a living animal. More specifically, I want to record from
: somatosensory cortex or thalamus in the rat, and be able to tell where I
: am by wiggling whiskers and noting the evoked response, so that I can
: make a dye injection in the appropriate place. Does anyone know of a
: manual for this stuff?
: Thanks,
: Naomi
Electrophysiology is an art, usually passed down from mentor to student.
There are a few textbooks, for example: Lemon, R (1984) Methods for
Neuronal Recording in Conscious Animals, IBRO Handbook Series, Vol 4,
Wiley, NY. and a few obscure books from short courses, e.g. Electro-
physiological Techniques by Donald Humphrey -- a Society for Neurosciences
short course circa 1979. On the other hand, Usually you just
find someone with the expertise to help out. In San Diego there are
qualified people at UCSD, Scripps (sp?), and the Neurological Institute.
If you can wait until the Society for Neurosciences meeting in San
Diego, you will find lots of people to help!
If you want to do non-invasive evoked potentials, and you can afford
$20,000 for medical instrumentation, some of the big medically-oriented
equipment companies (e.g. Tecca) can supply training and probably have
some good training manuals.
-- andy
Andrew Mitz, Biomedical Eng., National Institutes | Opinions are mine alone
of Health Animal Center, Poolesville, MD | arm at