Muscarinic Antibodies

Paul A. Saunders pas00nms at helix.nih.gov
Thu Jul 6 15:07:38 EST 1995

Try contacting B.B. Wolfe at Georgtown U, in Washington, DC.  He has 
polyclonal antibodies against m1 - m5 muscarinic receptors.  In the past 
our laboratory has asked him for antibodies and he has been willing to 
give us some.  Check the literature for his address.  Good luck with your 

Paul A. Saunders
Intramural Research Fellow
Biological Psychaitry Branch
National Institute of Mental Health
Bethesda, MD

On Tue, 4 Jul 1995, VKL08 wrote:

> Hi everybody out there ,
> I´m looking for an antibody directed against cholinergic muscarinic receptors. 
> It does not need to be specific for the m1 -m5 subtypes. 
> Does anyone know a distributor  (  incl.  adress or fax ) for these ?
> There is a company in Paris, France, Chemunex which sell a  monoclonal 
> muscarinic antibody, does anyone have their adress ?
> Thanks in advance for any hints
> H. Habbicht 

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