
Thu Jul 6 16:23:38 EST 1995

                          POSTDOC OPPORTUNITY
  Brand new intracellular rig, no previous owner, needs a postdoc with 
relevant experience to drive it into neural plasticity studies in 
hippocampus.  Will provide training for ancillary work in 
immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization for protein/message 
localization (light & confocal microscopy), and RT-PCR for message 
abundance and ratio levels of ECM and adhesion molecules, if your 
chosen project goes that way.
  Send CV and cover letter of interests to:

  Leslie Sargent Jones, Ph.D.
  Developmental Biology and Anatomy
  University of South Carolina School of Medicine
  Columbia, SC  29208

  We are far from the madding crowd, but only two hours from the 
famed Carolina beaches, and two hours from the mountains where rock 
climbing and white water sports abound. 

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