My name is Jason Stevens and I am about to enter my senior year of
highschool at Belaire Medical Magnet Highschool in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I am
sincerely interested in becoming a neurologist and a neurosugon one day. I have
in my possession a book entitled Neuroscience Training Programs in North
America which has Baylor University listed. This book describes an
undergraduate neuroscience program that lets you graduate with a B.S. major in
neuroscience. I thought that this would be a beneficial major to leave college
with and to have upon entering medical school. I am posting this message with
the hope that, since it will be viewed by the neuroscience community, some
professional (in this field) can help me. If anyone has any knowledge of the
program I mentioned at Baylor, I would greatly appreciate it if you would
contact me. My e-mail address is ECL1USR29 at selu.edu
You can send any available information or literature to:
Jason Stevens
10950 Darryl Dr. #178
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815