Chloral Hydrate

Wise Young wisey at nyc.pipeline.com
Wed Jul 5 20:34:11 EST 1995

In article <3tep67$se8 at steele.ohsu.edu>, Matt Jones writes: 
>One potent, fast onset and offset agent with minimal side 
>effects is propofol (Diprivan or Deprivan, or something like that; see 
>Hales & Lambert, Br. J. Phar 104: 619 for GABA-A effects). This one might 
>be worth considering. 
Matt, excellent summary of chloral hydrate mechanisms.  Learned a lot from
it.  By the way, I understand that propofol is undergoing clinical trials
at several centers because of purported neuroprotective effects.  If
anybody knows more, I would be glad to hear from them. 

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