interest for invertebrate neurosci newsgroup?

Werner Kilb/Michael Lucht kilb at mail.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de
Wed Jul 5 05:09:33 EST 1995

What about leeches
>"Carmen N. Nichols" <sarnicol at reading.ac.uk> wrote:
>> On 18 Jun 1995, ott wrote:
>> > Or what about bionet.neuroscience.insect, so that all those working
>> > with flies and moths and... will join us, too.
>> > 
>> > Or maybe bionet.neuroscience.invertebrate? Probably even better!! 
>> Personally, I think its a great idea.  I would vote for 
>> bionet.neuroscience.invertebrate because its important to include stuff 
>> such as Drosophila, Aplysia, C. elegans, and I suppose cockroaches if you 
>> want.  What people fail to realise in their failure to understand the 
>> deepest mysteries of the brain is how much we can learn from 
>> invertebrates in the realms of learning (Drosophila genetics acts as an 
>> excellent paradigm for mammalian mechanisms), neural development 
>> (C.elegans and Drosophila again), and plasticity (Aplysia).  Personally I 
>> don't know what cockroaches, crickets, and woodlice are useful for but it 
>> would be nice to find out.
>> A good idea, but would there be sufficient interested people as it is 
>> extremely specialised?  If you get enough votes though count me in.
>> Martin Cann
>> sarnicol at reading.ac.uk

Werner Kilb bzw. Michael Lucht
Institut f}r Neurobiologie
H.Heine-Univ. 40225 Duesseldorf
Tel. 0211/311-3575
Fax 0211/311-3415
E-Mail Kilb at uni-duesseldorf.de
       Lacht at uni-duesseldorf.de          

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