Betty Martini

Richard Kerr kerrr at CRYPTIC.RCH.UNIMELB.EDU.AU
Wed Jul 5 18:46:16 EST 1995

jcoleman at msvax.mssm.edu you aren't alone.  I've been watching this person
make little announcements with the same post about
Nutrasweet/Parkinsons/Alzheimers tacked on the end for quite a while, apart
from the primo piece of creationism vs evolution poetry that was pasted up
a few days ago.

Betty, if you're out there now is the time to bring out your sources & evidence!
something from a refereed journal , not conference transcripts or anecdotal
evidence.If this is not forthcoming & all of this traffic has been a
"consciousness raising exercise" , then I would be disappointed but

>Does  anyone but me wish this woman would put some references behind some of
>her claims....? According to you Betty, the cause of both ALzheimer's and
>Parkison's disease has been found to be Nutrasweet.....or at least they make
>it much worse. WHERE are the medical journal articles to prove this? Antedotal
>evidence frommone or two people is hardly evidence or proof and certainly is
>NOT science.
>Quote one man or doctor with unknown credentials is very dubious...

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