Autumn School in Connectionism and Neural Networks

Gerhard Paass paass at gmd.de
Tue Jul 4 04:52:28 EST 1995



        = = =    H e K o N N   9 5    = = =

	          Autumn School in 

C o n n e c t i o n i s m   and   N e u r a l    N e t w o r k s

	          October 2-6, 1995
	         Muenster, Germany

            Conference Language: German

A comprehensive description of the Autumn School together with
abstracts of the courses can be found at the following

WWW:            http://borneo.gmd.de/~hekonn
anonymous FTP:  ftp.gmd.de    
                directory:    Learning/neural/hekonn95

            = = =   O V E R V I E W   = = = 

Artificial neural networks (ANN's) have in recent years been
discussed in many diverse areas, ranging from the modelling
of learning in the cortex to the control of industrial
processes.  The goal of the Autumn School in Connectionism
and Neural Networks is to give a comprehensive introduction
to conectionism and artificial neural networks and to give
an overview of the current state of the art.

Courses will be offered in five thematic tracks. (The
conference language is German.)

The FOUNDATION track will introduce basic concepts (A. Zell,
Univ. Stuttgart), as well as present lectures on information
processing in biological neural systems (G. Palm, Univ. Ulm),
on the relationship between ANN's and fuzzy logic (R. Kruse,
Univ. Braunschweig), and on genetic algorithms (S. Vogel,
Univ. Cologne).

The THEORY track is devoted to the properties of ANN's as
abstract learning algorithms. Courses are offered on
approximation properties of ANN's (K. Hornik, Univ. Vienna),
the algorithmic complexity of learning procedures
(M. Schmitt, TU Graz), prediction uncertainty and model
selection (G. Paass, GMD St. Augustin), and "neural"
solutions of optimization problems (J. Buhmann, Univ. Bonn).

This year, special emphasis will be put on APPLICATIONS of
ANN's to real-world problems. This track covers courses on
vision (H.Bischof, TU Vienna), character recognition
(J. Schuermann, Daimler Benz Ulm), speech recognition
(R. Rojas, FU Berlin), industrial applications
(B. Schuermann, Siemens Munich), robotics (K.Moeller, Univ.
Bonn), and hardware for ANN's (U. Rueckert, TU

In the track on SYMBOLIC CONNECTIONISM, there will be
courses on: knowledge processing with ANN's (F. Kurfess, New
Jersey IT), hybrid systems in natural language processing
(S. Wermter, Univ. Hamburg), connectionist aspects of
natural language processing (U. Schade, Univ. Bielefeld),
and procedures for extracting rules from ANN's (J. Diederich,
QUT Brisbane).

In the section on COGNITIVE MODELLING, we have courses
on representation and cognitive models (G. Dorffner,
Univ. Vienna), aspects of cognitive psychology
(R. Mangold-Allwinn, Univ. Saarbruecken), self-organizing
ANN's in the visual system (C. v.d. Malsburg, Univ. Bochum),
and information processing in the visual cortex
(J.L. v. Hemmen, TU Munich).

In addition, there will be courses on PROGRAMMING and
SIMULATORS. Participants will have the opportunity to work
with the SESAME system (J. Kindermann, GMD St.Augustin) and
the SNNS simulator (A.Zell, Univ. Stuttgart).

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