Lithium effect on the brain

Cornelius Krasel phak004 at wrzx15.rz.uni-wuerzburg.de
Wed Jul 5 13:35:43 EST 1995

Steve Mcclue (Steven_Mcclue-1%notes at sb.com) wrote:
> In article <DAzyzA.25K at cc.umontreal.ca>, tremblgu says...

> >
> >Could
> >someone explain how the Lithium is said to fight against manic depression? 

[excellent summary by Steve snipped]

> At the moment, I can't find any references to hand that deal specifically
> with the lithium 
> hypothesis, but those two will probably contain some leads.

A recent review about the mode of action of lithium:

        author  = {Jay M. Baraban},
        title   = {Towards a crystal-clear view of lithium's site of action.},
        journal = PNAS,
        volume  = 91,
        pages   = {5738--5739},
        year    = 1994

Hope that helps,

/* Cornelius Krasel, Institut f. Pharmakologie, Versbacher Str. 9, D-97078 */
/* Wuerzburg, Germany                email: phak004 at rzbox.uni-wuerzburg.de */
/* "Science is the game you play with God to find out what His rules are." */

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