One thing that makes Parkinsons worse is NutraSweet (a chemical poison).
I first started my research on aspartame because of someone who had
Parkinsons and got worse "too fast". The components of aspartame are
aspartic acid (excitotoxin), methanol (a human specific poison that
converts to formaldehyde and then formic acid - ant sting poison) and
phenylalaline (neurotoxin). In talking to the author of a book about it
he informed me that this deadly substance changes the brain chemistry and
it changes the dopamine level. I would suggest you read ASPARTAME
(NUTRASWEET) IS IT SAFE? by Dr. H. J. Roberts Charles Press, Philadelphia.
If you want information on NutraSweet please send a large self-addressed
envelope with sufficient postage to MISSION POSSIBLE, P. O. BOX 28098,
Atlanta, Georgia 30358. Mention you have Parkinson so I will add a
report that goes into it.
I should mention that once this man got off NutraSweet a lot of the
horrible tremors and problems he was having disappeared. NutraSweet
actually triggers Parkinson. He went ahead and had the operation you're
talking about being done at Emory. He said he wasn't better. I don't
know the other people who have had it. I'm in Atlanta where Emory
University is. There are pro's and con's.
I will tell you the best thing anyone could do for Parkinson's is take IV
Vitamin B. It takes awhile but that is where improvement comes from.
Hope this helps.
I don't know where you're at but it just happens that Dr. H. J. Roberts,
the author of the book is having a seminar here on July 29 at the
Doubletree Hotel on Alzheimers. His new book is called DAAD; DEFENSE
AGAINST ALZHEIMERS DISEASE. Dr. Roberts he is a diabetic specialist and
when aspartame was put on the market he noticed a great difference in his
diabetic patients - they presented with confusion, memory loss and vision
loss (the methanol converts to formaldehyde in the retina). Alzheimers
Disease is now the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S. in adults and
is caused by neurotoxic substances. I personally believe that NutraSweet
has speeded up the process. Anyway if you want to talk to him and are in
Atlanta you can register for the seminar by calling 1 800-814-9800. If
you're not in Atlanta you can get the book at that number and another
book he published called SWEET'NER DEAREST!
I certainly hope some of this information helps you and you do well.
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty
On 21 Jun 1995, Ncjacobs wrote:
> To any body who might be able to help, I have a couple of questions:
>> 1) How long, on average, does it take for some one to build up a
> resistance to L-Dopa or whatever other drug a patient may be on?
>> 2) What types of medical procedures are available. I have heard something
> about an operation that is being done at Emory University that has been
> reasonably successful. Details?
>> Thanks!!!
>ncjacobs at>>