Disposable Electrodes?

Christopher T. Lovelace CL1779A at american.edu
Mon Jul 3 08:46:30 EST 1995

In article <3t25jl$3ls at newsbf02.news.aol.com>
quelllish at aol.com (Quelllish) writes:
>I'm looking for a source of disposable electrodes suitable for recording
>neurological activity. Any information on suppliers and recommended
>brands/types is greatly appreciated.
You can get disposable self-stick foam electrodes (often used for such
things as EKG recording) from Med Associates:
P.O. Box 319
St. Albans, VT  05478
(802) 527-2343
The have at least a couple of different versions of their catalog, so if
you request one, make sure its the one with physiological recording stuff
in it.
Chris         cl1779a at american.edu

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