Please contribute to "Neurosciences on the Internet"!

Neil Busis nab at telerama.lm.com
Mon Jul 3 17:31:29 EST 1995

Please contribute to "Neurosciences on the Internet"!

In addition to maintaining an up-to-date and comprehensive index of
Internet neuroscience resources, "Neurosciences on the Internet"
<URL:http://www.lm.com/~nab> will now publish original material in all
areas of the neurosciences, including neurobiology, neurology,
neurosurgery, psychiatry, psychology and cognitive science.

Several types of articles as well as images, movies or sounds can be submitted.
Articles can be original research reports, review articles, clinical
studies, clinical case reports, editorials, software reviews, book reviews
or announcements of upcoming meetings and seminars. News announcing
articles published in full simultaneously in traditional print journals
will be appropriate. Administrators of neuroscience mailing lists could
also choose to archive digests of their e-mail discussions on
"Neurosciences on the Internet."

How to Contribute Materials to "Neurosciences on the Internet":

<URL:http://www.lm.com/~nab/submission.html> contains detailed
instructions on what material can be submitted, how to submit it and the
peer review and publication process.

Neil A. Busis, M.D.
nab at telerama.lm.com

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