Dear Mr. Rockwell: Yes, there is research available. Simply call Mr.
Robert Cohen at 201 599-0325 and he will be happy to explain, send you
the report in writing. If lab animals get leukemia so will the people.
Robert Cohen will explain. Also human growth hormone and bovine growth
hormone are the same. In the study on human growth hormone given to
dwarfs they got leukemia. How do you explain that?
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty
On 29 Jun 1995, Douglas Rockwell wrote:
> How heat labile are hormones? I really don't care if the cow gets an
> enlarged spleen. Seems to me that the pasturization process should
> break down the hormones. Any research available on this? Were the
> tests mentioned that confirmed levels of hormone in milk performed on
> raw or pasturized samples?
>> Aspartame may be a problem for certain people, but that is no reason to
> ban it for use by the rest of us. Thalidomide is a perfectly useful
> drug, harmless to men and women who cannot bear children; yet a hysteric
> reaction caused it to be removed from the market.
>> Doug