Dear Doug: Aspartame is not just a problem for some people. It is a
chemical poison and is actually listed in one book PRESCRIPTION FOR
HEALING by Bach under the heading of Chemical Poison. If you want more
information on it please send a self-addressed, sufficient postage for a
large envelope, and we will send you documenation and the recent FDA
complaints of 10,000 dated April, 1995. It is in the public domain but I
had to get under the Freedom of Information Act. That should tell you
something. It was discovered by a Searle chemist testing a peptic ulcer
drug. Would you want to put a drug in all your food and drink - the
patient has expired and its in 5000 products and climbing. The methanol
in it converts to formaldehyde and formic acid and causes metabolic
acidosis. Formaldehyde is not good for anybody. It is triggering all
kinds of neurological and endocrine diseases and cancer. It was approved
by the FDA by Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes who overruled his own board of
inquiry who said not to approve it because of seizures and cancer.
The late Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress that it violated the Delaney
Amendment which forbids putting something on the market that causes
cancer. Dr. Gross was a FDA toxicologist and his last words were: "If the FDA
violates its own rules who is left to protect the people." The people
are in the dark and so are many doctors because the American Diabetic Assn.
and the American Dietetic Assn (NutraSweet writes their material) are
funded by Monsanto. The methanol converts to formaldehyde in the retina,
the reason so many are going blind. The government has decided to change
the currency in l996 because they say so many people have a hard time
reading it, they think because of diabetes. Aspartame triggers diabetes!
I would check further and we give out the documentation freely at our own
expense. We are a volunteer force trying to get this poison off the planet!
I have "rooms" of documentation. I personally believe it is the greatest
scandal in U.S. History. People are dropping like flies and now because
of the warning flyers they know where their problems are coming from.
Many things like multiple sclerosis it is triggering are reversible in
about 6 weeks because in reality it is methanol toxicity which gives them
all the equilibrium problems. Find out more. It's free!
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at
UUCP: ...!emory!!betty