URGENT: NutraSweet(tm) Destroys Usenet!!!!

Chris McMahon libcm at curly.cc.emory.edu
Mon Jul 31 11:42:35 EST 1995

Jean-Francois Avon (jf_avon at citenet.net) wrote:

: >just no one to warn him of the dangers and he didn't know that NutraSweet 
: >is a seizure triggering drug, and produced grand mal seizues in lab animals.

: Dear Betty, would you please post substantial pharmacological and stastical  
: data on the subject. I am very interested in hearing about it.  I would like 

Aspartame (Nutrasweet) was originally developed as an experimental 
neurological drug. It's sweetness was an unexpected side effect. 
    It was a dud as a neurological agent, except that in large doses, it 
causes brain lesions in lab animals. 
   Some humans experience neurological problems with reasonably small 
doses of aspartame. I personally get a headache if I drink a lot of diet 
Coke. It passed FDA muster because side effects are not widespread and 
not *usually* severe. 
    I work at Emory's Health Sciences Library. I heartily recommend that 
you use one of the free Medline search programs on WWW- look under 
"aspartame", extend your search back 10 years. 


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