>Continental pilots tell me Haynes is an out-standing pilot. There was
>just no one to warn him of the dangers and he didn't know that NutraSweet
>is a seizure triggering drug, and produced grand mal seizues in lab animals.
>Today there is a Worldwide Pilot Hotline for just that reason - to warn
>pilots. Their number is 214 352-4268.
>Betty Martini
>Domain: betty at pd.org>UUCP: ...!emory!pd.org!betty
Dear Betty, would you please post substantial pharmacological and stastical
data on the subject. I am very interested in hearing about it. I would like
about the odds of having seizure induced by the stuff in relation to the
dosage. I would also like to know how "they" (whoever they are) figured out
that one single piece of chewing-gum type of dosage could trigger attacks in
ordinary people.
By putting this information on the net, you would reach much more pilots for
*much less* money than by the use of an 1-800 line.
Eager to hear form you.
PS : all information concerning *THIS SUBJECT* that I might receive at my
private e-mail adress can be, at my discretion and without asked permission of
the author, posted to all the newsgroups I judge appropriate. If you do not
want any information on that subject go public, DO NOT E_MAIL IT TO ME.
THE "keep confidential" NOTICES WILL BE *** IGNORED***.
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