What I would call you is a very smart pilot! You might want to read my
post under food numbness - aspartame auto-responder. You can now access
information you may want very easily.
I assume I'm the lady with the neat name - Martini. You might be
interested to know that we quote the U.S. Air Force journal FLYING SAFETY
on our warning flyer. They say: "..Some people have suffered aspartame
related disorders with doses as small as that carried in a single stick
of chewing gum. This could mean a pilot who drinks diet soas is more
susceptible to flicker vertigo, or to flicker-induced epileptic
activity. It also means that all pilots are potential victims of sudden
memory loss, dizziness during instrument flight and gradual loss of vision."
That's FLYING SAFETY, May 1992.
If you would like to have an "aviation pack" you can send me a
self-addressed, large envelope, with sufficient postage and I'll send you
some interesting information you may wish to have on aviation. Other
material is available from the auto-responder.
You may remember that the American Airliner that fell out of the sky in
December was due to pilot error - tunnel vision. In the report
"The most characteristic signs and symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning
in humans are the various visual disturbances which can occur without
acidosis although they unfortunately do not always appear. Some of these
symptoms are the following: misty vision, progressive contraction of
visual fields (vision tunneling), mist before the eyes, blurring of
vision and obscuration of vision."
When Lucky Vanous came to Atlanta (The Diet Coke Hunk) I told him he had
a double. We call him the Diet Hunk Victim. His name is Haynes Dunn and
he flew for Continental Airlines before he lost his health and his
occupation because he had a grand mal seizure in flight from NutraSweet.
Lucky Vanous no longer works for Coke.
Continental pilots tell me Haynes is an out-standing pilot. There was
just no one to warn him of the dangers and he didn't know that NutraSweet
is a seizure triggering drug, and produced grand mal seizues in lab animals.
Today there is a Worldwide Pilot Hotline for just that reason - to warn
pilots. Their number is 214 352-4268.
You'll be happy to know that MISSION POSSIBLE flies packets around the
world to Air Traffic Controls to warn pilots of this impending danger.
We hope you too will access our warning flyer and warn other pilots.f
Thanks for your post.
P.S. We are in the process of asking for Congressional Hearings to remove
NutraSweet from the marketplace. Other countries are also having serious
problems and have asked for our help.
Betty Martini
Domain: betty at pd.org
UUCP: ...!emory!pd.org!betty
On 22 Jul 1995, Manfred Humphries wrote:
> I dunno about the lady with the neat last name, but I do know that
> nutrasweet and its imitators cause me to grey out. Scared the daylights
> out of me on takeoff in a turboprop. Its not a problem - I just don't
> use it. Call me the fat flyer.