Research of Candice Pert on Neuro-Transmitters?

Bon V. Davis II bondav at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Thu Jul 20 02:58:09 EST 1995

I am an Anthropologist/Archeologist researching Shamanism and 
Altered States of Consciousness.  Specifically the neuropsychological 
effects of ASC's as represented in the Art and Rituals of the Maya.

Can anyone direct me to recent research by Candice Pert?
I have seen articles on Neurotransmitters and Receptors 
from 1986 - 87.  Is there anything more recent?

Are the theories on the Body-Mind connection that she 
expressed then still considered today?  
Briefly the neurotransmitters and receptors 
were postulated to be the biological substrate of 
shamanic healing(and other Holistic healing).  

Does anyone currently work on this topic? 
I would appreciate any references or opinions.  
General articles would be especially useful as I am getting 
beyond my training here. 
Bon V. Davis II
bondav at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu

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