Neural net needed, I think?!

mike harvey harvsta at its-science.cc.monash.edu.au
Tue Jul 18 20:12:53 EST 1995

Firstly, I'd just like to say that I'm completely ignorant when
it comes to neural networks. However, it was recently pointed out 
to me by a co-worker, that a neural network may help me in my data
analysis. I need a program that can accurately pick the onset and 
offset of a neural discharge on a trial-by-trial basis (ie. not just 
on averaged data) and also count the number of AP's in this time epoch.
At the moment we use multiple human observors to perform this task, 
however I think we need a more objective measure.
Is there a neural network that I can use?
If you think you can help me, please e-mail me directly.
Any assistance would be much appreciated,

Mike Harvey

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