Anything on Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

John T. Robicheau Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu
Mon Jul 17 22:47:43 EST 1995

REJQ89A at prodigy.com (Nathan Cohen) wrote:
>You may call me to discuss...Robert Cohen 201-599-0325...One British 
>farmer got Jacob Cruetzfeldt disease after contracting bovine spongioform 
>encephalitis directly from his dairy cow.

>..dwarves treated with human GH in the 1950's also contracted this rare disease...

actually from a contaminant in the GH from bovine sources.

now that Monsanto has 
>co-mingled our milk supply with the new genetically engineered hormone, 
>bovine somatotropin


 (which leads to increased levels of insulin-like 
>growth factor,

yes and no.

 >a powerful growth hormone which is orally active)

No it's not

 there is 
>the possiblitiy that BST exerts unusual growth effects.

bST isn't a concern

  FDA recently 
>lied to the American people by suggesting that BST is degraded by 
>pasteurization...it is not.

Monsanto didn't though

  They cited Moore incorrectly, actually 
>Groenewegen proved that only 18% of BST is destroyed by pasteurization.

>Kessler (FDA Director) testified that no further research was required, 
>partly because BST was so destroyed.  This was a lie!

what was a lie?



Music is the cry of the soul. F.Delius
John <Robicheau at DrugInfoNet.Pharm-Epid.Pitt.Edu>

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