You may call me to discuss...Robert Cohen 201-599-0325...One British
farmer got Jacob Cruetzfeldt disease after contracting bovine spongioform
encephalitis directly from his dairy cow...dwarves treated with human GH
in the 1950's also contracted this rare that Monsanto has
co-mingled our milk supply with the new genetically engineered hormone,
bovine somatotropin (which leads to increased levels of insulin-like
growth factor, a powerful growth hormone which is orally active) there is
the possiblitiy that BST exerts unusual growth effects. FDA recently
lied to the American people by suggesting that BST is degraded by is not. They cited Moore incorrectly, actually
Groenewegen proved that only 18% of BST is destroyed by pasteurization.
Kessler (FDA Director) testified that no further research was required,
partly because BST was so destroyed. This was a lie!