Ionic channels classification

Didier A. Depireux didier at src.umd.edu
Tue Jul 18 07:22:37 EST 1995

frank.le_foll at univ-rouen.fr (Frank Le Foll) writes:
> I'm looking for the origin of the 'A' in the IA nammed potassium channel.

On page 117, Hille says:
"Some encoding membranes have an additional K-channel that activates
transiently [...]. Current in this channel has been variously called 
A-current (IA), fast transient K current, transient outward current 
(Ito), and rapidly inactivating K current."

Connor and Stevens coined the term A-current, hence the answer might lie 
in the original article. But Hille's comments seem to point to the fact
that there's no logical explanation for the 'A'! 

Connor J.A. and Stevens C.F., Voltage clamp studies of a transient outward
membrane current in gastropod neural somata, J Physiol (Lond) 213 (1971)
pp. 31-53.


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