In article <3u9dsn$36u at>, alex at (alex alexander)
>I am a medical general practitioner in Adelaide, Australia.
>My father in law has motor neurone disease, as did my own father.
>Any one know of the latest in research in this topic with regards
>to trialing this man on any possible research drugs, as his current
>position is hopeless and he only has 2 or 3 months to live.
>Would appreciate responses either to me or to the newsgroup.
>Will post responses also to a specific motor-neurone group which has
>very little traffic.
>>Dr.Alex Alexander MBBS PhD(Comp Sci)
>Dr. Alexander,
I don't know what you mean by motor neurone disease (peripheral, central, MD,
MS, etc.?), but as a Ph. D. student in neuroscience at Emory, I can tell you
that the Neurology dept. is extensively involved in motor control, and the
Anatomy/Physiology depts. of the University are doing some research into
peripheral motor/spinal motor systems. If they aren't specifically doing what
you are asking for, maybe they can point you in the right direction. Good
Luck, I hope you find what you need.
Andrew Ray
Emory Neuroscience Program
aray at emory.ed