It may not be relevant but when the radio is tuned to FM
changes in my position in relation to the radio produce
distinct changes in the signal. This may be a brain or whole
body effect which can occur at a distance of say 10 feet.
In article <3tt60t$csh at oravannahka.Helsinki.FI>
stenberg at cc.Helsinki.FI "Dag Stenberg" writes:
> Richard Nacamuli (headwave at wrote:
> } On the other hand, mental communication by means of biologically
> } derived radio waves could be quite readily accounted for by means already
> } well-known and understood. Molecules can emit and be excited by radio waves.
Robin Allott email: rmallott at
telefax: +44 1323 492300
5 Fitzgerald Park, Seaford
East Sussex BN25 1AX
United Kingdom