Brain Radio Emission

Richard Nacamuli headwave at access5.digex.net
Mon Jul 10 19:46:05 EST 1995

On Mon, 10 Jul 1995, Andrew_R._Mitz wrote:

> Richard Nacamuli (headwave at access5.digex.net) wrote:
> : On 8 Jul 1995, John Edstrom wrote:
> : > 
> : > In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950706190415.21879A-100000 at access5.digex.net> 
> : >Richard Nacamuli <headwave at access5.digex.net> writes:
> : > 
> : > >        I am attempting to detect radio-frequency/microwave brain emission
> : > >with a view toward proving that we are telepathic. Does anyone know of
> : > >anything that has been published that might aid me in my pursuit?
> : > 
> : > 
> : > Even if there is radio/microwave emissions from the brain, how does
> : > that prove the brain is telepathic?  My microwave oven emits microwave
> : > radiation.  Is it telepathic?
> : 	It does not. However, if we are to be telepathic then there must
> : almost certainly be brain radio emission as this would be the only
> : medium known to modern science. It is still a long way from detecting
> : neural radio emission to proving that information of an intellectual
> : nature is being communicated between brains.
> Why would this be the only medium?  What about modulated electric
> fields (capacitive coupling), modulated magnatic fields (inductive
> coupling), infrared communications (can we be telepathic with
> a snake?), or even modulated gravitational radiation.  None, 
> including EM, are likely, but aren't you faced with ruling out
> each  potential information transmission source?
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Andrew Mitz, Biomedical Eng., National Institutes | Opinions are mine alone 
> of Health Animal Center, Poolesville, MD          | arm at helix.nih.gov       
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
	I've already pretty much ruled out any mode other than radio.
These other means that you mention seem impractical for various reasons.
Capacitive and inductive coupling would be extremely limited in range
for the energy available in the brain. There is a potential across the
neural membrane and, in my opinion, the thickness of the membrane would
be the order of magnitude for the influence of such effects. The influence
of the gravitational force of sub-cellular structures would be infinitesimal.
Infrared energy of any reasonable power would simply not penetrate the 
skull. There is also the problem of providing a theoretical model for
such mechanisms as applied to mental communication.

	On the other hand, mental communication by means of biologically
derived radio waves could be quite readily accounted for by means already
well-known and understood. Molecules can emit and be excited by radio waves.

	As far as snakes being telepathic, in my opinion they are not; 
precisely because of the proposed mode of communication. Fish, amphibians, 
and reptiles, being marine, aquatic or closely related to marine and aquatic
animals could not have evolved this capacity. Water is a highly absorbtive
medium for radio-frequency EM waves. The distances to which this type of 
communication would be limited under water would make it of dubious value.
Indeed, the cerebral cortex of these animals is visibly different from
that of mammals and birds which I believe to possess a telepathic faculty.
Yes, whales and dolphins do live in the sea but, they spend much time at
the surface where neural radio communication could occur.

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