Betty Martini <betty at> wrote:
>We can know. Actually I have a medical background
I'm curious what this means. Are you a physician, or a paramedic, or did
you study organic chemistry in school?
>and I'm a student of
>the Bible. You can verify the Bible as being inspired with a set of
>encyclopedias and history, and with a medical background you know an eye
>and a brain can't "happen".
It depends on what you mean by happen. I can't make sense out of the idea
that the human brain is a special creation, seeing that it shares so much
in common with all vertibrates.
>I suppose my husband had more sense when he
>was a young man than most scientists when he wrote:
>Do you find this hard to conceive
>Don't reason on it, just believe
>Ignore the facts, be "scientific"
>believe in things that aren't specific
>It's taught in every institution
>This religion they call evolution
Actually, both sides argue 'just believe', which is your tactic when you
say the brain and eye cannot 'just happen.' Can you quantify that? Do you
have statistics that lead you to the conclusion? What are the facts that
suggest this interpretation?
>The creation/evolution debate is probably my husband's pet subject.
>We've got lots of books and have written papers.
Where were they published?
> Frankly, in my personal
>opinion evolution is the greatest false doctrine there is - it tries to
>rip God's name from his creation. You wouldn't try that with Michel Angelo!
Ahhh, that is Michelangelo. As in Michelangelo Buonarroti. At least, I
assume you are talking about the Italian artist of renoun.
>If you have questions just ask we'll answer them from the standpoint of
>" real science"! Thanks for the question.
No problem. Thanks for volunteering to answer.
John Nixon
jnixon at